Saturday, September 5, 2009


Racial discrimination definations is prohibited by the Race Relations Act is anyone's in any situations and in anyway treating one less favourably than another on grounds of like one's race of colour.But racial discrimination as covered by the Race Relations Act is not limited to racial discrimination on the ground of one's race or in the form of colour prejudice.It is equally unlawful racial discrimination if the racial discrimination is on grounds of nationality ethnic origin.

The Racial Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race in many areas of public life.These include in employment,renting or buying property,the provision of goods and services,accessing public places and in advertising.The act also prohibits offensive behaviour based on racial hatred.

The examples of racial discrimination include harrassment of discrimination on the basis of race or colour,including offensive comments or joker or other statements or conduct based on race or colour which creates an intimidating,hostile or offensive environment,or interferes with the employee's work performance.Another example is classification of employees such that employees of particular races,ethinities or skin colour are isolated from other employees from customer contact,or relegated to certain jobs or position.

This racism must be reported.If it is believed that racial discrimination has taken place in breach of the Race Relations Acts 1976 and its amendment and extensions that going to court is one way if reporting. We also can reporting racism to organisations working for equal rights may also help to prevent such behaviours.Hopefully,racial discrimination will soon become a thing of the past,but until then everyone can play a part in helping it to end.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Communication is already exits in this world for long time ago.Communication is very important to us in our daily life.Here some tip to increase your communication skil.First,conversation should not be one sided only.Allowed others to talk and listen to them too.Respect other person’s point of view.

Concentrate on conservation and thinking what to say despite of just keep talking.Make sure believe with your massage and speak out with fully confidence and connection.Allow the feeling flow naturally and be yourself when you are talking,it will make people like and feel comfortable to talk with you.Make sure briefly elaborate the points in different ways.Because people will have confidents and understand to belief what you are talking about.

Addition,focus on listener.When asking question,make sure the question that you ask is easy to answer.Make sure pay attention to their answer.You are also encourage to suggest to the listener.When talk,make sure use akronims carefully to make sure that people will understand your meaning.Slow down your talking when using juggant.Lastly,overcome the question,control your emotion whwn people do not understand what you are talking about.Make sure you are not easily get mad and be patient.Apply all the tips given when you communicate with people.